Point your browser to the Criss Library website at http://library.unomaha.edu, look for the Research Tools column on the left side of the homepage, and then click into the All Databases A-Z directory. Once in All Databases A-Z, search for or click the alphabetical navigation to find an entry linking to this database:
ABI-Inform Global
This database indexes articles published in over 1,000 journals associated with business, management, public administration, accounting, and related disciplines. I entered this search in the three-row template:
Row 1: "historic preservation"
Row 2: "tax credit*"
and clicked on the Full Text filter to restrict the results to articles available online. The quotation marks require that the terms search as phrases, and the asterisk (*) serves as a wildcard to pick up both "credit" and "credits."
The search retrieved 285 articles, many from sources such as Economic Development Journal, National Tax Journal, Planning, and Journal of Real Estate Research. The result list is large enough you may need to add an additional term to the search to narrow the focus. In any event, ABI-Inform Global appears to be the best database for the search. You may also want to try Sage Premier, Wiley-Blackwell Full Text, or the law review files in LexisNexis Academic and Westlaw Campus.
James Shaw, Director of Collections, Criss Library, UNO (jshaw@unomaha.edu)