Answered By: ask crisslibrary
Last Updated: May 06, 2015     Views: 11


There are a few journals that we are not able to get electronically and one of them is Social Education.  We do have it in the library in print, on the lower level of the library under the call number H62.A1 S6.

I like your second question - Academic Search Premier is only able to provide full text of articles when they are able to make a business deal with the publisher.    To see if the library has one of the non-fulltext articles in another database, simply click on the yellow icon below the article title that says Get Item.  That will look for the article in our inventory list.  One of three things will happen - 

If we have the article in another database, it will connect you directly to that database. 

If we only have it in print in the library, it will direct you to the Criss Library Catalog so you can get the call number. 

If we don't have it, it will tell you so and give you a link to our interlibrary loan service where you can ask us to find the article at another library and have it delivered to you electronically.

Hope this helps.  If you need further assistance, please let us know.


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