Answered By: Melissa Cast-Brede
Last Updated: May 06, 2015     Views: 23


A lot of our databases have interviews and brochures but they don't always clearly label them that way so you can find them easily.  One that does is MAS - Ultra School Edition.  It is available on the library's database list under M at

For brochures, you can select "Pamphlet" from a drop down menu below the search boxes.  The drop down menu is labeled Publication Type.  Then you can just enter a subject like health and search.  Unfortunately, most of the pamphlets are in html format and not pdf so you can't always see the layout,  But if information is what you're looking for it will work.

For interviews, leave the publication type as All.  In the search box, change the Select a Field drop down menu to SU Subject and type the word interview.  That will bring up interviews.  This will also work with the Academic Search Premier database.

An alternative for the brochures is to use the Advanced Search feature in Google.  It's under the gear shift symbol in the upper right corner of the opening search page.  There you can type a subject with the word pamphlet or brochure and then scroll down to the file type option.  Select pdf.  You can see an example of the search here -

Hope this helps.  If not, please let us know and we can try something else.


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