Q. Trying to locate this article. The system won't let me log into ILLIAD.
Measurement as an Instructional Catalyst.
Author: W James Popham
Edition/Format: Article : English
Publication: New Directions for Testing and Measurement, (Measurement, Technology, and Individuality in Education: Proceedings of the 1982 ETS Invitational Conference) n17 p19-30 Mar 1983
Database: ERIC The ERIC database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education.
Summary: The need for improved accountability has led to more competency-based testing. This provides test makers with the opportunity to have greater impact on the curriculum. Several strategies are suggested for measurement-based instructional improvement. (Author/PN)
According to our catalog we don't have access to that article online. Some possibilities you could go through are Google Scholar, or our Interlibrary Loan department. I would certainly recommend that you double check with Melissa Cast-Brede she's an Education librarian. Her number is 402-554-3130. I haven't heard of any problems that are going on with Illiad, but you can check with Mark Walters on why you couldn't long on. His number is 402-554-3209, good luck.