If you're looking for journal articles, I would recommend the PsycInfo database. You can connect to it from the library's top database list at http://library.unomaha.edu/research/topten.php
When searching PsycInfo, I suggest you use the phrase communication skills - using communication alone seemed to bring up more nonrelevant articles.
The Health Source database might also be helpful. You can connect to it at http://libguides.unomaha.edu/content.php?pid=112019&sid=843493
If you're interested in books, I found an ebook in our library that looks very promising for communication and alzheimer's called Connecting the dots : breakthroughs in communication as Alzheimer's advances. Here's a link to it - http://unomaha.worldcat.org/oclc/445479647
There were also several books on working with stroke patients that included chapters on communication. This link should take you to a list of them -
Hope this helps. If not, let us know and we'll try some other things.
Regards, Melissa