Q. I cannot access RIA Checkpoint anymore. I was able to search from the encore.lib.unomaha.edu site, but now that site is down. I cannot find RIA
I cannot access RIA Checkpoint anymore. I was able to search from the encore.lib.unomaha.edu site, but now that site is down. I cannot find RIA Checkpoint through the regular search. Where/How can I find this again.
Thanks, (I know we still own this database/website subsrciption because it is used in Tax classes)
RIA Checkpoint actually goes by the name, "Thompson Reuters Checkpoint" now, and can be accessed through this research guide: http://libguides.unomaha.edu/content.php?pid=61042&sid=3677019
The link to the database is displayed in the middle of the page.
It can also be accessed through our A-Z database list here: http://libguides.unomaha.edu/content.php?pid=112019&sid=843505
Please let me know if you need further assistance. Have a great day!