Q. Is there any way I can get an extension to audio visual check out period if I reserve it in advance?
My name is Elizabeth Hutfless.
I am going on a service learning trip sponsored by the Biology Department and OLLAS, and I would like to videorecord our experience there to potentially post it on the Study Abroad or OLLAS website.
I see that audio visual equipment can only be checked out for 3 days with one renewal. Our trip is 2 weeks long.
Is there any way I can get an extension to this check out period if I reserve it in advance?
We are travelling June 1-16 http://www.unomaha.edu/ollas/peru2013.php
I spoke with one of the circulation desk supervisors. He said that while you can't reserve the item in advance arranging an extension shouldn't be a problem. Just ask to speak with one of the circulation desk supervisors when you check out the equipment.
If you want to ask further questions about the equipment, you can call them at 402-554-3206.