Answered By: ask crisslibrary
Last Updated: May 06, 2015     Views: 54


Truman, Harry (1884-1972)

33rd President

Term of Office: April 12, 1945-January 20, 1953

Date: June 5-6, 1948

Reason: Annual convention of the 35th Division (WWI) Truman’s former regiment. Marched 9 blocks in a parade with 35th Division. Gave a speech at the Aksarben Coliseum. Spent the night at Fontenelle Hotel. He dedicated Memorial Park and visited Boys Town.

Source: Sunday World Herald, June 6, 1948, Sec. A, p.1.

  It seems like your best bet to find more information on this occasion is to come to the library and take a look at the source article for this info, in the June 6th, 1948 Omaha World Herald, on microfilm. That will likely contain the most information regarding his visit and the dedication.

Our microfilm collection is behind the reference desk on the first floor. Somebody should be at the desk to help you find the right spool and to operate the reader.

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