Answered By: ask crisslibrary
Last Updated: May 06, 2015     Views: 11

The record in Physical Education Index does not refer to a journal article, but rather to the author's Master's thesis, completed in 1999 at Indiana University.  The thesis is not available online, but you could submit an Interlibrary Loan request to borrow it from another library.  Here is the pertinent information:

Author:  Shayne Patrick Galloway

Title: The Use of Assessment by Wilderness Orientation Programs: Efforts to Improve College Student Retention.

Thesis (M.S.), Indiana University, 1999

In the "comment" box of the Interlibrary Loan form, include the note "WorldCat Record 45054826."  This will help speed the process a bit for our Interlibrary Loan staff.


After completing the thesis, Galloway revised it into a journal article:

"Assessment of Wilderness Orientation Programs: Efforts to Improve College Student Retention," Journal of Experiential Education v.23, n.2, pp. 75-84 (Fall 2000). 

None of the library's journal article databases include PDF copies of articles from that volume/year of the journal, but the Wilson Omnifile database had an HTML text copy.  I pulled the text into the attached Word file for you.  Unfortunately, the HTML text copy does not include any graphical items such as tables or charts, and the library does not own a physical copy of the journal to examine.  You could submit an Interlibrary Loan request for the article if the HTML version proves inadequate.


James Shaw, Government Documents Librarian; Criss Library, UNO;




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