Hello, Sarah,
These are two very separate questions. By "most important" do you mean "most used" or ones that had a significant impact or changed how business is done? Also, I am assuming you are wanting an international perspective?
I've attached an article to help get you started, but you can also search Business Source Premier and Mass Communications to find other articles to address your question: http://search.ebscohost.com.leo.lib.unomaha.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=buh&db=aph&db=ufh&bquery=(business+communication)+AND+(language)&type=1&site=ehost-live Look at the subject terms and keywords used in the article to help form a better search (i.e. international business AND language, business communication AND language history). For the historical portion, consider using "trade" rather than business. For example, Spanish spread to the western world through trade (and conquering).
That should get you a good start. If you get stuck, Nora Hillyer, our business/communication specialist, may be able to help you. She can be reached at 554-2138 or nhillyer@unomaha.edu.
Have a good day,
Emily M., reference associate