Q. I have been having difficulty trying to locate the following article. Could you please assist me?
Sabol,T. J., Soliday Hong, S. L., Pianta, R.
I have been having difficulty trying to locate the following article. Could you please assist me?
Sabol,T. J., Soliday Hong, S. L., Pianta, R. C., Burchinal, M. R. (2013, August 23). Can rating pre-K programs predict children's learning? Science, 341(6148), 845-846. doi: 10.1126/science.1233517
Our full text access to Science stops with 2004 editions. We do still get this in paper, however the latest print copy we have is 8-16-2013. So, we should be getting this new print copy sometime next week. Feel free to call or stop by the library and we'll help you look for the print edition.