Q. Are there copies of textbooks available for check out? I'll be out of town for the weekend and my text isn't in yet. So looking for a temporary
Are there copies of textbooks available for check out? I'll be out of town for the weekend and my text isn't in yet. So looking for a temporary solution for a week. Comparative Politics Hauss ISBN 0-495-83321-5 Copyright 11 Publisher Wad Edition 7 Binding Paperback
Unfortunately we don't have that textbook at the library. We generally don't carry many textbooks here. You could interlibrary loan the book, but that will take between 7-10 days to receive. So I'm not sure that would work for you. If you would like to look into our interlibrary loan service, here is the link with more information: https://unomaha.illiad.oclc.org/illiad/nbu/FAQ.html. Please let us know if you have further questions.