Answered By: ask crisslibrary
Last Updated: May 06, 2015     Views: 36

Hi Dana,

To move a source from one folder to another, here's what you'll want to do: Within your RefWorks account, under the "References" tab, put a checkmark next to the source you want to move. Or, you can be in the folder, and put a checkmark next to the source you want to move.Then, move your mouse over the manila folder with a green plus sign icon at the top of the page, then click on the name of the folder you want to move that source to. Organizing sources and folders in RefWorks works much like organizing emails and folders in an email account.

Then, to delete a folder, you'll want to click on the "Organize & Share Folders" tab at the top of the page. Then, find the name of the folder you want to delete, then on the right side, move your mouse over the manila folder icon to bring up the available options, and click on "Delete Folder." There is a red X next to it. I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have further questions. Have a great day!

Danielle S.

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