Good morning, I do apologize we are currently having issues with are catalog. It has been tricky to search for items in the UNO Library. This is something we are working on repairing, I was able to find a small article that briefly discusses his work. Here are the steps I took:
1. Clicked on the Academic Search Premier database. Which can be found through all databases on our main page under A. Here’s a link if you need it:
2. I searched Saint Ursula Shrine, then under the second tab I added HansMemling.This gave me the very short article. If you do search in this database I would suggest typing in Saint Ursula Shrine Hans Memling under the first tab, this gave me more options.
In case you would like more assistance I will refer you to Marvel Maring who is our Art History subject librarian, and possibly Jim Shaw who’s our Religion subject librarian. Here our their numbers:
Jim: 402-554-2225
Marvel: 402-554-2992
Feel free to stop by the Reference Desk for any further assistance.