Q. I'm trying to get ahold of an article written by Louise Pound entitled "The Spoken Word" and am not having any luck. The closest I have come is
I'm trying to get ahold of an article written by Louise Pound entitled "The Spoken Word" and am not having any luck. The closest I have come is the mention of it on this webpage run by the NE State Historical Society: http://nebraskahistory.org/lib-arch/research/manuscripts/family/poundlouise.htm. Can you recommend a database to look in that might prove fruitful? Or, might there be a way to get the item from the Historical Society via ILL?
Unfortunately I wasn't able to find any further information regarding this article. Your best bet would be to contact the NE State Historical Society to gather more info, and possibly even go there to look at the document. The article seems rare and hard to obtain so I don't think an ILL would work. If you have more questions just let us know. Have a great day!