Q. I am looking for this article and wanted to know if you have it online.
and if yes where i can find it
McCollough, David, "History and Knowing
I am looking for this article and wanted to know if you have it online.
and if yes where i can find it
McCollough, David, "History and Knowing Who We Are," American Heritage, Winter 2008, Vol. 58, Issue 3, 14-17
We do have the article "History and Knowing Who We Are" by David McCollough. I was able to find it searching through Academic Search Complete. Here is the link: http://search.ebscohost.com.leo.lib.unomaha.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&bquery=TI+(History+AND+Knowing+Who+We+Are)&type=1&site=ehost-live