Answered By: Jim Shaw
Last Updated: May 06, 2015     Views: 17

Point your Internet browser to the Criss Library website at and look for the Research Tools column on the left side of the homepage.  Click into the All Databases A-Z directory and then scroll down or click the alphabetical navigation to find the link to the IEEE Explore database:

If you connect to IEEE Explore from an off-campus computer, you will be prompted to login to your Criss Library account to confirm you are a UNO student and eligible for access to the database.  If you have not already set up a Criss Library account, please see the attached instructions.

Once connected to IEEE Explore, just search the title of the article (it's actually a paper read at a conference in 2011) in the general search box in the middle of their homepage.  This will retrieve a record with an abstract summarizing the paper and a link to a PDF copy.

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