The best way to go about that is to visit our home page, and then go to the "Find Articles, Databses and Journals" link near the middle of the left side of the page. Clicking that will give you three options, the first of which is "Top Databases for Finding Articles." The first database found at that link is Academic Search Complete, which is the best place to start your research unless your subject matter is very specialized (In that case, it's best to try the "All Databases A-Z" link).
Academic Search Complete gives you three search boxes where you can enter author names, title words, subjcet terms and so on. It's best to start with keyword searches by leaving the "Select a Field (Optional)" drop-down boxes untouched. Enter individual words or short phrases (like "emergency management") in the search boxes. You'll probably end up with a huge number of results to begin with, but when you find articles that match your needs, you can use the subject headings in future searches to get fewer but more relevant results.
You can do this using any computer on campus. If you are off campus, you will have to log in using your library account information before you can use the databases. If you haven't set up an account, you can do so by clicking the "My Account" link at the upper left corner of our home page, and then clicking on the "Set/Reset Password" link that appears in the gray box. After you have entered the number from your student ID, an e-mail will be sent to your UNO account that will let you set up your password.