Q. Dear Librarian, I also are looking for the same list of officers of the Regiment Isembourg You have send to Ivan Popov. The list is on pag. 340
Dear Librarian, I also are looking for the same list of officers of the Regiment Isembourg You have send to Ivan Popov. The list is on pag. 340 of the book: Author : Friederich, J. C Title : Mémoires d'un mort (1805-1828); faits de guerre et exploits d'alcoves [par] Capitaine J.-C. Friederich du Régiment d'Isembourg (2e étranger) OCLC : 13784251 Publisher : Paris, Librairie universelle [n.d.] Location: Third Floor DC198 .F91). Could you send me this scanned page? Thank You. Giuseppe Musolino, Italy