Answered By: ask crisslibrary
Last Updated: May 06, 2015     Views: 14

We have a paper copy of that article in the library.  It's in the periodicals section of the first floor, under the call number RC 475 C49.  As for finding newer articles on the same subject, there are a couple of good starting points. 

First, I did a search in the database PsychInfo using the name of the article.  It brought up a record for the article with the following subject terms:  *Professional Development; *Professional Supervision; *Resistance; *Social Work Education; *Teaching Methods.  You can use those terms in future searches in PsychInfo (or in other databases, like Academic Search Complete) to get related articles.

Another option is to go to, and do a search there using the article title.  The first search result should be an exact match, and at the bottom of that result you should see links titled "Cited by 16" and "Related articles."  Those could produce some relevant results as well.

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