Q. I was wondering if you guys can help me find information about the relationship between pregnant women and their unborn children, in terms of the
I was wondering if you guys can help me find information about the relationship between pregnant women and their unborn children, in terms of the acquire language
A good place to start is http://scholar.google.com. I went there and typed "prenatal language acquisiton" in the search box. Many of the articles which showed up in the search results were relevant to your topic. There are links to online versions of several of the articles, but you might have to enter your ID and password, or be on campus, to access them. Also, each of the article listings will have a link at the bottom where you can see which other publications cited the article. Once you have a few good articles in hand, you can use them as a starting point for further research using our databases, which are listed here: http://libguides.unomaha.edu/az.php.