Q. I'm trying to find resources in regard to the benefits of traveling by private jet (with a local jet company or in general) as opposed to just
I'm trying to find resources in regard to the benefits of traveling by private jet (with a local jet company or in general) as opposed to just commercial flying. This could be in terms of safety or time. I know there are newspaper articles, but I am not having much luck with the databases. Can you point me to a couple of good sources?
This guide http://libguides.unomaha.edu/c.php?g=100267&p=649709 provides a list of all the databases likely to have articles on the subject. It might take a while, but entering different combinations of keywords and subject terms like "private," "commercial," "differences," "benefits," etc., should produce some results that ou can use for furher research. The guide also provides lins to statistical sources that could be of use.