Answered By: ask crisslibrary
Last Updated: May 06, 2015     Views: 18

Criss Library subscribes to the American Theological Library Association (ATLA) Religion database, which includes PDF and/or HTML copies of articles published in many journals.  I just searched the phrase "ancient Israel" after clicking on the "Full Text" filter and retrieved over 900 articles.

You will find a link to the ATLA Religion database as well as other pertinent article databases in our Religious Studies subject list:

The ATLA Religion database and the Academic Search Complete database (both linked from this subject list) are both distributed by EBSCO.  The EBSCO platform includes a screen reading facility that works reasonably well for HTML texts.  PDF files will likely need to be converted to text before a screen reader will work with them.  The library has JAWS software installed on one of main floor public access computers which would be able to read the converted text files.

When I searched the phrase "ancient Israel" in the library catalog (, I retrieved records for just over 150 electronic books after clicking on the the "eBook" filter.  Those electronic books from eBook Library (EBL) include a "Read Aloud" utility when viewing the book online.

You can find more information about the library's disability services and equipment on this webpage:


James Shaw, Government Documents Librarian, Criss Library, UNO;

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